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Brain!: The Musical Sensation
Or is it, Music!: The Brain Sensation...? PBS News Hour published a video about the power of music on the human brain. 'Why Music Has a...

"Organized Chaos"
Without lists, calendars, and other written reminders, my brain implodes. I crave organization. Constantly. Otherwise, drifting and...

In Praise of Mind Mapping
"By its very nature, the linear presentation of standard notes prevents the brain from making associations, thus counteracting creativity...

Down, Up, Down, Up: On Rejection(s)
What a whirlwind 24 hours. My weekend began with a rejection email from a writing contest. No problem. Rejection is familiar territory I...

Goals! Goals! Goals!
"Momentum in Life" For my 36th birthday, I launched 36 goals to accomplish in one year. The pressure of New Year resolutions paralyzes...

The Austin Kleon Challenge
'Walking = wellness' is not a groundbreaking equation. Countless studies confirm walking improves health and mood, including this study...

Creativity: A Guide
I teach project management to college students and they have a six week assignment of designing and pitching an original theme park. They...

Mindful Creativity
My creative practice wouldn't be much without mindfulness meditation (the practice of being present). I'm a worrier and most definitely...

"I Have No Life, But I Have a Routine"
A strong creative routine is my excuse for having no social life. And you know what? I'm perfectly content with that decision. #noregrets...

Concentrate On Your Pleasure
"Concentrate on your pleasure, I told myself" is a quote from Phillip Roth's The Dying Animal, a story about an older (elderly?)...
60 Second Interviews | 6 Feet Apart
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