What a blast learning alongside the talented students who attended The (Indigenous) Writer's Toolkit: How to Launch Your Craft workshop I facilitated in collaboration with Hugo House. Watch out world, because these are the up-and-coming indigenous legends in literature!
I covered an array of topics and resources, and I thought it would be helpful to share these resources with you creative hot messes 🤗. Enjoy!

Tidy Up Your Writing
Hugo House craft classes (apply for scholarships!)
Chuckanut Writers Conference (apply for scholarships!)
Seattle Public Library writing courses: Seattle Writes (free)
King County Library: RB digital magazines (free but check your local library) to access Publishers Weekly, The Writer, Writer's Digest, and other literary magazines
Books: Bird by Bird by Ann Lamont
Book: The Writing Life by Annie Dillard
Publish Your Work
Entropy long list
Literistic Newsletter (shortlist version is free)
Writers of Color on Twitter
Indigenous Publications
List of First Nations and North American Native publishing houses by University of British Columbia
Four Winds literary journal
Red Ink Facebook page
Cloudthroat literary journal
Indian Country Today news

Pay Writers!
How to Make Money Writing: 5 Ways to Get Paid to Write in 2020
Article: Wil Wheaton is angry about Huffington Post not paying writers
NDN Collective grants for Indigenous artists
Vadon Foundation for Native Artists Fellowship with Artist Trust
COVID-19 Emergency Fund resources with Artist Trust
Book: The Artist's Guide to Grant Writing by Gigi Rosenberg
^adult language
Build Your Author Brand
Creative Capital webinar series
Artist Trust webinars, like Build Your Artist Website
The Authors Guild Foundation recorded seminars
Market & Hustle
Convince and Convert blog
Book: Show Your Work by Austin Kleon
Book: Master Content Strategy by Pamela Wilson

Fellowships (based in Seattle, WA)
Made-at-Hugo House Fellowship for emerging writers
More listings at Entropy
Residencies: Attended + On My Wishlist
The Seventh Wave Bainbridge Residency (Bainbridge Island, WA)
Gullkistan: Center for Creativity (Laugarvatn, Iceland)
Mineral School (Pacific Northwest) - Wishlist
Hedgebrook (for women artists, Pacific Northwest)
More listings at Entropy
Tips for Residencies, Fellowships, and Grants handout from Wellness-ish-ness

Social Justice for Artists
Diversity in Publishing (or lack thereof) infographic
Center for Cultural Power's Artist Guide 'No Going Back'
Wellness-ish-ness's monthly newsletter, of course!
Brain Pickings: arts, science, philosophy, literature, and more
Creative doers newsletters collected by Josh Spector
Austin Kleon's newsletter
Subscribe to the monthly Wellness-ish-ness newsletter.
Wellness-ish-ness, a blog for creative hot messes, was created by D.A. Navoti. Read his bio and find him on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.