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Resources from The (Indigenous) Writer's Toolkit Workshop

What a blast learning alongside the talented students who attended The (Indigenous) Writer's Toolkit: How to Launch Your Craft workshop I facilitated in collaboration with Hugo House. Watch out world, because these are the up-and-coming indigenous legends in literature!

I covered an array of topics and resources, and I thought it would be helpful to share these resources with you creative hot messes 🤗. Enjoy!

Tidy Up Your Writing

Publish Your Work

Indigenous Publications

Pay Writers!

^adult language

Build Your Author Brand

Market & Hustle

Fellowships (based in Seattle, WA)

Residencies: Attended + On My Wishlist

Social Justice for Artists



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Wellness-ish-ness, a blog for creative hot messes, was created by D.A. Navoti. Read his bio and find him on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.


© 2017-2022 by D.A. Navoti

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