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Who's Your User Persona?
In marketing, a user persona (also called customer persona) is a semi-fictional person that is the ideal customer for a product or...

Create and Collaborate With The Past
Classically trained tenor Jeremy Dutcher (Tobique First Nation) wowed my soul last year with his debut album Wolastoqiyik Lintuwakonawa....

Stories from 'We the Indigenous'
What a splendid and magical evening celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day with four fantastic storytellers, including Laura Da, Sasha...

Resources from The (Indigenous) Writer's Toolkit Workshop
What a blast learning alongside the talented students who attended The (Indigenous) Writer's Toolkit: How to Launch Your Craft workshop I...

Make Yourself Google-able With a Website
An artist without a website is like a farmer without a market. Farmers need to hustle their product, and so do you. Regardless of your...

Show Your Work (From Home)
According to my calculations, it’s day 3,359,094 into the Pandemic. Yet when possible, we push forward and create art, music, prose,...

Book Review: Pamela Wilson Wants You To Blog
Are you unsure how to share your creative work online? Do you need a website? A blog? Or both? And how do you measure online success?...

Show Your Work With Timelines
My interest in digital storytelling stems from reading The New York Times's articles with animated effects and nifty scrolling techniques...

Creating Successful Streaming Content
Okay, I swear I'm not stalking SassyBlack (see my previous nine billion posts mentioning her) but she recently led a webinar on how to...

Made During A Pandemic
That's the catch phrase for 2020: Made During A Pandemic. During a lyric writing course with SassyBlack, the class was hesitant to...

The Power of Art-Gifting
An audience member who attended the residency info session I participated in (see my application tips post) sketched me as a way of...
60 Second Interviews | 6 Feet Apart
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