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#StoriesofStrength: Corinne Manning
FIGHT FOR OUR LIVES strikes again! Writer Corinne Manning reads an excerpt from their forthcoming story collection 'We Had No Rules'...

Problem Solving is Wellness
My hectic schedule distracts me from artistic work I'd rather do. I'm humbled I have a job during these (un)certain times. The...

#StoriesofStrength: Sharma Shields
FIGHT FOR OUR LIVES returns with #StoriesofStrength to support chronically ill and immunocompromised artists. Our first performer –...

Memoir Mixtapes
Memoir Mixtapes is an online magazine that blends memory and music. And nothing unlocks memory like some solid "tuneage" (read my post...

My dear friends at The Seventh Wave are hosting #SevenAtSeven, a video series showcasing writers reading from book(s) that inspire them....

The Social Distance Run
Two local running organizations in the Puget Sound area are teaming together for The Social Distance Run. It's a clever opportunity to...

A Love Note to Writing
In spring of 2019 I quit my nonprofit job to write a book abroad. In Ireland - my first leg - my cottage drowned in greenery: pastures,...

Won't You Be My Neighbor?
A few days ago, I came home with this note in my mailbox and the gift of community warmed me up. Seattle is particularly (and...

Cookies, Cakes, & Crumbs
What a whirlwind week, huh? My in-person classes switched to virtual learning, and I was stuck at my computer for several days...

Artist Resources During COVID-19
Hey Creatives, News headlines sound scary, but keep on painting, keep on writing, keep on singing, keep on rehearsing, & keep on...

Writing Prompts with Soul Cards
Soul Cards by Deborah Koff-Chapman is a tarot deck I stumbled on during a writing retreat in Oregon. The deck was laid out face-down and...

What's Faster? 30 Minutes or 29 Days?
My Austin Kleon Challenge is done! It's a bit unsettling how quickly 29 days pass, but I managed to walk at least 30 minutes everyday for...

Don't Get Sucked In
I'm halfway through a month of no social media. I deleted Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter from my devices. I've done this before with...

Don't Beat Myself Up, Don't Beat Myself Up...
...are words I'm repeating on my lazy-bones Sunday: "Don't beat myself up." I didn't follow my ultra marathon training schedule this...

Brain!: The Musical Sensation
Or is it, Music!: The Brain Sensation...? PBS News Hour published a video about the power of music on the human brain. 'Why Music Has a...

"Organized Chaos"
Without lists, calendars, and other written reminders, my brain implodes. I crave organization. Constantly. Otherwise, drifting and...

In Praise of Mind Mapping
"By its very nature, the linear presentation of standard notes prevents the brain from making associations, thus counteracting creativity...

Toys "R" (Always) Us
Toys are probably the first creative "thing" humans are introduced to. Toys offer relief, distraction, and humor. They also transport us...

Down, Up, Down, Up: On Rejection(s)
What a whirlwind 24 hours. My weekend began with a rejection email from a writing contest. No problem. Rejection is familiar territory I...

Part II: Tips for Residencies, Grants, & Fellowships
Spring deadlines for grant & residency applications are weeks away. My butt is shifting into gear and already I'm going mad. What keeps...

Goals! Goals! Goals!
"Momentum in Life" For my 36th birthday, I launched 36 goals to accomplish in one year. The pressure of New Year resolutions paralyzes...

The Power of Art-Gifting
An audience member who attended the residency info session I participated in (see my application tips post) sketched me as a way of...

The Austin Kleon Challenge
'Walking = wellness' is not a groundbreaking equation. Countless studies confirm walking improves health and mood, including this study...

Creativity: A Guide
I teach project management to college students and they have a six week assignment of designing and pitching an original theme park. They...

60 Second Interviews | 6 Feet Apart
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