Part I: Tips for Residencies, Grants, & FellowshipsFrustrated or let down by the application process for residencies, grants, and fellowships? If you're in the Seattle area, I'm speaking...
Fight For Our Lives Debuts!The Seattle community rallied in support for trans & queer people at Hugo House in Seattle, WA, for Fight For Our Lives, a new...
Mindful CreativityMy creative practice wouldn't be much without mindfulness meditation (the practice of being present). I'm a worrier and most definitely...
"I Have No Life, But I Have a Routine"A strong creative routine is my excuse for having no social life. And you know what? I'm perfectly content with that decision. #noregrets...
Concentrate On Your Pleasure"Concentrate on your pleasure, I told myself" is a quote from Phillip Roth's The Dying Animal, a story about an older (elderly?)...
Seattle Area: Fight For Our Lives!Wellness-ish-ness, a blog about artistic wellness, debuts with a benefit reading in the Seattle area for local nonprofits.